23 Stockbridge Road, Winchester, SO22 6RN

Fillings Winchester

Do you need a filling or are concerned about the procedure? Don’t be!

Upper amalgam fillings were replaced and an amalgam cap added.

A filling is one way of restoring a tooth that has been damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape.

Are you in need of a dental filling?

Once you have been assessed and it’s clear that you are in need of a dental filling, your highly qualified dentist will firstly remove the decayed tooth material and clean the affected area. They will then fill the cleaned out cavity with a filling material.

At Solutions Dental Clinic, we can also use fillings to repair cracked or broken teeth, or teeth that have been worn down over time through activities such as tooth grinding.

Steps that are involved in dental filling:

  • Your dentist will firstly numb the area surrounding the tooth with a local anaesthetic.
  • A drill, air abrasion instrument or laser will be used to remove the decay in the affect area.
  • Your dentist will probe and test the area during the process to ensure all the decay has been removed.
  • A space will be prepared for the filling by cleaning the cavity.
  • If any decay is near the root, a liner might be inserted to protect the nerve.
  • After filling, the tooth will be polished.
  • Additional steps may be required for white fillings.

If you suffer with dentist nerves, please don’t let them get in the way of your dental needs. At Solutions Dental Clinic, we have helped lots of people whose fear has stopped them getting the dental care that they needed previously.

We can help nervous patients by:

  • Providing a calm and soothing atmosphere.
  • Ensuring that you have more time with your dentist to vocalise any concerns you may have.
  • Discussing choices of sedation.
  • Providing a treatment plan listing all appointments and what will happen during those times.
  • Providing you with a friendly and experienced dental technician to ease your nerves.

Remember, if you are slightly apprehensive about booking an appointment, don’t be! Just let us know before your appointment and we will do everything possible to create a calming, nerve free environment for you.

If you would like to book a no obligation FREE consultation please get in touch with us Winchester Dentist today.


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