Are you struggling to smile due to unaligned teeth? Join over 2.5 million people worldwide that have discovered Invisalign, the clear alternative to braces!
A great smile can not only affect your appearance, it can also change your confidence, often giving you outlook more confident, happy life. At Solutions Dental Clinic, Winchester dentist provide a treatment plan that will straighten your teeth using a nearly invisible method. The great thing about Invisalign is that they require no metal wires or brackets, and each Invisalign aligner is custom built for your comfort.
Crowded Teeth
When there isn’t enough space for your teeth to fit normally in the jaws.
When one or more of your upper teeth protrude over your lower teeth.
When one or more lower teeth protrude in front of your upper teeth.
Gaps in Teeth
Gaps can cause teeth to shift into the empty spaces and become loose.
Open Bite
When both upper and lower teeth are forced outwards so that they don’t touch each other.
When one or more of the upper teeth bite on the inside of the lower teeth.
Solutions Dental Clinic uses Invisalign to straighten teeth using a series of custom made, clear, removable aligners, specifically designed for your teeth. We use the aligners to position your teeth into the desired location. We will schedule regular appointments (usually every two weeks), to replace your current aligner as your teeth will adjust each week, gradually moving your teeth towards their final position. Aligners are worn for approximately 22hrs a day, with treatment times ranging from between 6 months and 24 months.
Trusting Solutions Dental Clinic with implementing your Invisalign treatment plan means that people won’t even know you’re having your teeth straightened.
Are you ready for your new smile? Let us help you take the next step. Contact Solutions Dental Clinic today for more information or a FREE no obligation quotation.